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SFB 382 - Teilprojekt B2

Optimale Blätterungen

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Prof. Dr. Gerhard Huisken(gerhard.huisken@uni-tuebingen.de)

Dr. Alexander Polden(alex@moebius.mathematik.uni-tuebingen.de)
Michael Holder(michael.holder@uni-tuebingen.de)

Preprints des Teilprojekts B2:


Closed Curves of Least Total Curvature
Alexander Polden, January 1995


Mean-Curvature Flow with a Neumann Boundary Condition
on Smooth Hypersurfaces
Axel Stahl, April 1995


Definiton of the Center of Mass for Isolated Physical Systems and
Unique Foliations by Stable Spheres of Constant Mean Curvature
Gerhard Huisken and Shing-Tung Yau, October 1995


Kontraktion raumartiger Hyperflächen entlang ihrer inversen
mittleren Krümmung
Michael Holder, Mai 1996


Curves and Surfaces of Least Total Curvature
And Fourth-Order Flows
Alexander Polden, Juli 1996


Contracting SpacelikeHypersurfaces by their Inverse Mean
Michael Holder, November 1996


Compact Surfaces of Least Total Curvature
Alexander Polden, Februar 1997


The Null-Timelike Boundary Problem for Maxwell's Equation
in Minkowski Space
Robin Balean and Robert Bartnik February 1997


Mean curvature flow singularities for mean convex surfaces
Gerhard Huisken and Carlo Sinestrari, April 1997


A Distance Comparison Principle for Evolving Curves
Gerhard Huisken, Mai 1997

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